Title : We are still numb to the Eleki |
Publication : Kanki Publishing Co |
ISBN : 4-8342-5087-3 |
Date : 2007/9/18 |
Price : 1680yen |
Page : 207p |
Book Description: A 56-year-old guitar kid talks about his natural tone of life.
Takuro Yoshida, Kosetsu Minami, Shigeru Izumiya... Participated in making music for many artists. He also performed with The Ventures.
The music and life philosophy of guitarist Dr. K., who has created his own unique electric sound. (From the "BOOK" database) |
chapter1 : Preface The Natural Tone Way of Life (Koutaro Yamamoto) |
chapter2 : We were shibirettes by Eleki |
chapter3 : Blowin' in the Wind |
chapter4 : A town buried in the map |
chapter5 : BLUE DAYS & HAPPY DAYS |
chapter6 : Eleki Band was my dream |
chapter7 : Life is a school trip |
chapter8 : Have great ambition, father! |
chapter9 : Included Commentary on the songs on the CD |
--------------------------------------------- |
Title : Masamichi Sugi mistone |
Publication : CBS・ソニー出版 |
ISBN : 978-4789701488 |
Date : 1984/06/1 |
Price : 1200Yen |
Page : 96p |
chapter1 :Celebration |
chapter2 :Backstage Dreamer |
chapter3 :Light My Fire |
chapter4 :Paint It Black |
chapter5 :No Time |
chapter6 :I Aid You |
chapter7 :Oh,Jaws |
chapter8 :Our Day Will Come |
chapter9 :Sleepin |
chapter10 :Digital Syndrome |
chapter11 :Davy's Devil |
chapter12 :Wintry Sea |
chapter13 :Einstein's Fake |
chapter14 :Celebration 2 |
chapter15 :On The Trap |
chapter16 :Epilogue |
--------------------------------------------- |
Title : ギターとたくあん ─堀威夫流 不良の粋脈 |
Publication : 集英社 |
ISBN : 978-4087814439 |
Date : 2010/10/15 |
Price : 1500Yen |
Page : 232p |
Book Description:守屋浩、舟木一夫、田邊昭知とザ・スパイダース、和田アキ子、井上陽水、森昌子、石川さゆり、山口百恵、榊原郁恵、藤原竜也…綺羅星の如きスターを育んだ激動の50年!そのホリプロ創業者・堀威夫の正負の戸板返しの人生を、直木賞作家・村松友視がみずからの生に照らし合わせて描き、逃げ水のように謎に満ちた男の素顔に迫る。 内容(「BOOK」データベースより) |
chapter1 :不良の前史 |
chapter2 :音楽への助走 |
chapter3 :スイング・ウエスト水滸伝 |
chapter4 :正負の戸板返し |
chapter5 :スター誕生の時代 |
chapter6 :人間産業の時代へ |
--------------------------------------------- |
Title : 昭和のスター王国を築いた男 渡辺晋物語 |
Publication : マガジンハウス |
ISBN : 978-4838721993 |
Date : 2010/10/21 |
Price : 1680Yen |
Page : 269p |
Book Description: 心躍る時代の、輝かしい舞台のその裏に、ひとりの男がいた。ザ・ピーナッツ、クレージー・キャッツ、ザ・ドリフターズ、ザ・タイガース、キャンディーズなど、300名以上のタレントと数々のヒット曲を世に送り、スター王国・渡辺プロダクションを築きあげた、その男は、渡辺晋。彼は変革するショービジネスの中心で、常に時代の先を睨みながら走り続けていたが、決してその道はなだらかなものではなかった。激動の生涯、苦悩、衝突。芸能界の重鎮やスターたちの証言とともに辿るこのエンターテインメントビジネスヒストリーは、2006年に刊行された「芸能ビジネスを創った男 渡辺プロとその時代」(新潮社刊)に加筆し、当時を回想する貴重な写真を追加した新装版である。 |
chapter0 :プロローグ |
-ザ・ピーナッツの誕生 |
chapter1 :芸能ビジネスの幕開け |
-昭和芸能界を作った男、渡邊晋 |
-渡辺プロダクションの発足;ウェスタン・カーニバル |
-スターを支えた社員たち |
-日本最初のバラエティ番組「ザ・ヒットパレード」「シャボン玉ホリデー」 |
-植木等の「スーダラ節」 |
-ザ・タイガースとグループサウンズ |
-クレージーキャッツ「ニッポン無責任時代」大ヒット |
-芸能界を代表して |
-海外エンタテインメントへの挑戦 |
chapter2 :タレント王国への道 |
-ザ・ピーナッツの引退 |
-月曜戦争 |
-ニューミュージック |
-キャンディーズ、ドリフターズ登場 |
-拡大する組織と変化 |
-芸能界のイメージ |
-フォーリーブスの伝説 |
-渡辺プロの社内改革 |
-吉川晃司 |
-渡邊晋の宿命 |
chapter3 :エピローグ |
-タレント王国は永遠に |
-渡邊晋という男 |
--------------------------------------------- |
Title : くたばれTVがんばれTV |
Publication : 駒草出版 |
ISBN : 978-4903186818 |
Date : 2010/7/10 |
Price : 2200Yen |
Page : 264p |
Book Description: テレビなんてくたばってしまえ! !
これからのテレビは、昔よりもっともっと面白くなれる! ! |
chapter0 :プロローグ |
-いま、若者たちの夢は? |
-TV番組はなぜつまらなくなったのか |
chapter1 :TVが産声を上げた日 |
-すべては生放送から始まった |
-日本のTVに影響を与えた五つの出来事 |
chapter2 :放送作家の軌跡-片岡直彦 |
-脚本家修行 |
-奇妙な出会い/生ドラマへ見参 |
-力道山の思い出 |
-クレイジーキャッツの『ミュージック・パラダイス』 |
-作家にとってTVは仮の宿? |
-『小さな旅』のテーマ曲 |
-フォーリーブスの伝説 |
-ヤマハ世界歌謡祭 |
-有名スターの青春時代 |
chapter3 :放送作家の軌跡-菅沼定憲 |
-TVは朝からエレキ・サウンド |
-『ヤング720』 |
-『11PM』の時代 |
-TVが生んだ二人の天才 |
-異才・田原総一朗 |
chapter4 :TVの未来 |
-TVへの興味がなぜ薄くなったのか |
-TVに未来はあるのか |
-がんばれTV |
chapter5 :エピローグ |
--------------------------------------------- |
Title : Cream STRANGE BREW |
Publication : Ritmo Music |
ISBN : 978-4845601295 |
Date : 1996/08/30 |
Price : 2200Yen |
Page : 230p |
Book Description: Cream, the greatest trio in rock history, consisting of Eric Clapton, Ginger Baker, and Jack Bruce.
The story of the group from its birth to its breakup is reconstructed with numerous testimonies. Contents (from "MARK" database)) |
chapter1 :The supreme triangle magic |
chapter2 :The night before the birth of Cream |
chapter3 :The Robust Drummer Genius |
chapter4 :A precocious, singing bassist |
chapter5 :The secret of slow hands |
chapter6 :The Yardbirds' Melancholy |
chapter7 :At the Crossroads |
chapter8 :Starting the Cream |
chapter9 :Record Debut |
chapter10 :Improvising Poet Pete Brown |
chapter11 :Land of Hope! America |
chapter12 :Shifting Gears, Colorful Cream |
chapter13 :The Tour Circuit |
chapter14 :The Wonderful World of Cream |
chapter15 :Footsteps of Collapse |
chapter16 :The Breakup Effect |
chapter17 :Finishing the Cream |
chapter18 :The Moment of Supremacy, Again |
Discography |
Afterword |
Special Contribution to the Japanese edition, Musician's Musician |
--------------------------------------------- |
Title : Angels Sing the Blues- Yokohama Outside Story |
Publication : Mainichi Newspapers Co. Ltd |
ISBN : 978-4620313849 |
Date : 2006/10/20 (3rd ed.) |
Price : 1700Yen |
Page : 270p |
Book Description: Another postwar history of the city of blues.
The legendary GS (Group Sounds) "Golden Cups. Mary at the Harbor," a solitary prostitute in white paint.
Mixed-race children called "GI Babies. Author's first nonfiction book depicting the lights and shadows of the blues town through the eyes of the "aliens" of postwar Yokohama.
Contents (from "BOOK" database)) |
chapter1 :The White Whore |
chapter2 :The Eddie Clan of "Stormy Monday" |
chapter3 :The Legend of Golden Cups |
chapter4 :Angel on the Hill |
chapter5 :Women in Occupied Yokohama |
chapter6 :The Aliens - The Aliens of Yokohama |
chapter7 :The City Shines with Asian Blood |
chapter8 :Honmoku Star Crazy |
chapter9 :Roppongi of the Twenty |
chapter10 :The end of madness |
chapter11 :After the Heart's Fire Goes Out |
chapter12 :Each one's blues |
chapter13 :The back of peace |
chapter14 :The Erased Cross |
chapter15 :The Angel Blues |
Afterword |
--------------------------------------------- |
Title : シャ乱Q HISTRY BOOK 1988-1998 |
Publication : FAN CLUB |
ISBN : - |
Date : - |
Price : -Yen |
Page : 56p |
chapter1 :BIOGRAPHY |
chapter2 :1988 結成前夜 |
chapter3 :1989 変動、そして胎動へ |
chapter4 :1990 城天飛翔 |
chapter5 :1991 プロバンドへの道 |
chapter6 :1992 希望から挫折へ |
chapter7 :DISCGRPHY 足跡 |
chapter8 :1993 どん底からの脱却 |
chapter9 :1994 天狗への道 |
chapter10 :1995 シャ乱Q の幸福論 |
chapter11 :TOUR GOODS & LIVE DATA |
chapter12 :1996 絶好調 |
chapter13 :1997 成功、葛藤、そして成長へ |
chapter14 :PRODUCT 広がる世界 |
chapter15 :1998 未来へ |
chapter16 :CLUB QUE スコスコスコルディの歩み |
--------------------------------------------- |
Title : Happy Days Mariya Takeuchi |
Publication : Hachiyousya |
ISBN : 0095-00103-6998 |
Date : 1980/5/30 |
Price : 950Yen |
Page : 192p |
chapter1 :Essay by Mariya |
chapter2 :Happy Lunchitime |
chapter3 :American High School Life |
chapter4 :Inside Interview |
chapter5 :Mariya's Favorite Collection |
chapter6 :Mariya Express |
chapter7 :Information & Hot News |
chapter8 :Photo Story |
chapter9 :Discgraphy |
chapter10 :Messages to Mariya |
chapter11 :Mariya's Hit Parade |
chapter12 :After Hours |
--------------------------------------------- |
Title : Jeff Beck Legend of the Lonely Hero |
Publication : SHINKO MUSIC |
ISBN : 0073-61051-3129 |
Date : 10 July 1978 |
Price : 1200Yen |
Page : 340p |
--Prologue |
chapter1 :Boyhood |
--1944 |
--Wellington, Surrey |
--To Junior Art School |
--Handmade guitars |
--Influences from Les Paul |
chapter 2 :The road to becoming a professional musician |
--The Night Shift formed |
--Jimmy Page |
--Failure in session work |
--First session with Cyril Davies |
--In a new wave |
chapter 3 :Yardbirds |
--Georgio Gomelski's hand |
--Eric Clapton |
--Changing lead guitarist |
--First tour in Japan |
--First successful single disc |
--Marshall 100 Watt ripples |
--Establishment of the guitar style |
--Marshall's shift and stumble |
chapter 4 :The First Jeff Beck Group |
---Three single discs |
--″The Darling of the Discotheque″ |
--The Jeff Beck Group formed |
--Ainsley Dunbar leaves and Mickey Waller joins |
--What is the truth about Truth? |
--The group is in crisis |
--Group on the verge of collapse |
--Blueprint for a new group |
--Facts behind the road accident |
--Paul Samuel Smith leaving and Jimmy Page joining |
--Jeff isolated |
--Conclusion of the US tour |
chapter 5 :The Second Jeff Beck Group |
--Two years and three months blank |
--Difficulty finding members |
--The face of the new group |
--Jeff's willingness heard on 'Rough and Ready' |
--Advancement of insecurities |
--Motown's next stop is Memphis |
--I'm a rock 'n' roller |
--The collapse of the ideal combination |
chapter6 :Beck, Bogart & Avis |
--5-2=3 |
--What lies behind the overwhelming success |
--The endless power explosion |
--Confident first album |
--First Japan tour |
--Only for guitar |
--Tim's motorcycle accident |
--The Phantom Second Album |
--February is a dark month |
--BB&A formed too late |
chapter 7 :Lone wolf |
--John McLaughlin |
--Farewell to the vocalist |
--amidst various rumours |
--New album line-up |
--To The Rolling Stones? |
--'Blow by Blow' announced |
--Guitar album for guitarists |
--Tour with John McLaughlin |
chapter 8 :Into the future |
--'Wired' recording session |
--The blood of fate that connects me and my guitar |
--First UK tour in three years |
--Friendship with Aerosmith |
--Live recording concept |
--Farewell to Jan Hammer! And ...... |
--The Peeled Off(?) |
--The Peeled Off(?) Jeff |
--Second visit to Japan a disgrace |
--The tearful cancellation |
--Differences in the assessment of officials and fans |
chapter9 :Epilogue |
chapter10 :Jeff Beck sound analysis |
chapter11 :Background and present of guitarist Jeff Beck |
chapter12 :Secrets of the Jeff Beck sound |
chapter13 :Jeff Beck's creativity by song |
chapter14 :The complete discography |
--An Afterword |
--------------------------------------------- |
Title : Masahiro Kuwana, Legend of the Red Lion |
Publication : Wani Books |
ISBN : 978-4418075188 |
Date : 1979/12/10 |
Price : 880Yen |
Page : 254p |
chapter1 : The one who betrays and the one who is betrayed are both lonely, and only a third party always laughs |
chapter2 : Always waiting to set sail, always looking for companionship, but really sailing alone. |
chapter3 : Nothing can eat you up, that's what rich is all about. |
chapter4 : The sound changes with each encounter, but the rock that I am remains the same. |
chapter5 : You want to be yang because there is yin, and you can't let people know that. |
chapter6 : Sound needs glue, and that can't be done by someone who doesn't have their own li |
chapter7 : When you go beyond the age of performance, you hear global rock. |
--------------------------------------------- |
Title : Harajuku Blue Sky Heaven |
Publication : Sekaibunkasya |
ISBN : 978-4418075188 |
Date : 2007/10/20 |
Price : 1470Yen |
Page : 296p |
Book Description: The year is 1974. The main character Pippi, who dropped out of high school and moved to Tokyo from Mie, joined the "COOLS" motorcycle team.
He fosters friendships with his friends as he rides his motorcycle with them.
Then one day, he receives a request to back up a popular rock group's breakup concert.
Pippi and her friends' successful performance was picked up by the mass media, and they became the darlings of the times, leading Harajuku culture....
Just when it seems like smooth sailing for everyone, an incident involving one of the team members throws the team into a tailspin. Betrayal by fellow team members, discord among team members.
Pippi is working hard to get the team back on its feet, but... |
chapter1 : And I crossed the sea. |
--------------------------------------------- |
Title : Anta Anokono Nannanosa Downtown Boogie Woogie Band's patchwork of blue春 |
Publication : Kokusai Syougyou Publication |
ISBN : 0200−665014−2407 |
Date : 1975/10/5 |
Price : 600Yen |
Page : 201p |
chapter1 :on stage |
--Applause |
--Enka style rock |
--No compromise allowed |
--What the hell are you doing downtown |
--The big chorus |
chapter2 :The budding of music |
--Birth |
--Hoarseness |
--Cornet |
--Brass band |
--Bankruptcy |
--Flowering |
chapter3 :Meeting with Yoko |
--Fate |
--Youth |
--Poet |
--Assimilation method |
--Failure |
chapter5 :The Bend to Professionalism |
--Employment |
--Failure |
--Unfortunate |
--Playing |
--Narrative M.O. |
--Marriage |
chapter4 :Birth of Downtown |
--Formation |
--Killing words |
--Noise band |
--Witty |
--Shit and Smoke |
--Patronage |
--Congratulations |
chapter6 :The real face of downtown |
--Traffic Control |
--Bunta and Ryudo |
--Poking and prodding |
--Famous |
--Luck |
--Greed |
--Life |
--Dazai Osamu |
--A Sense of Heroism |
--The base |
chapter7 :Downtown Music |
--Individuality |
--Passion and Strength |
--Lifestyle rock |
chapter8 :Yoko's Secret in the Harbor |
--Yoko Agi |
---Afterword |
--------------------------------------------- |
Title : Why don't you just stick it out and live?- Our tomorrow is over there! |
Publication : Seisyun Publication |
ISBN : 000-209900-3822 |
Date : 1980/10/1 |
Price : 790Yen |
Page : 141p |
chapter1 : We'll just have to jump in that direction. |
chapter2 : My wife... her name is Yohko Agi. |
chapter3 : Sunglasses are the only thing that helps me focus. |
chapter4 : You can't be a big man without a complex. |
chapter5 : I have to store things in me. |
chapter6 : Look at what you really want to do. |
chapter7 : You know what makes me shiver more than sex? |
chapter8 : Prepare for a flip-flop adventure. |
chapter9 : What kind of woman is a good woman? |
chapter10 : Let's be clear, these musicians |
chapter11 : It's not a pose that keeps you alive, man. |
chapter12 : Our tomorrow is over there. |
-- Afterword |
--------------------------------------------- |
Title : Led Zeppelin The Ultimate Pilgrimage |
Publication : Shinko Music |
ISBN : 978-4401612048 |
Date : 1998/12/10 |
Price : 500Yen |
Page : 187p |
Book Description: Led Zeppelin, the legendary super hard rock group.
They rarely responded to interviews and remained largely silent during their 12 years of activity, so their true colors had never before been revealed.
This book is a collection of the rare and authentic voices of all the members of Led Zeppelin, which reveals for the first time the many myths, episodes, and gossip about the band from its troubled beginnings to its tragic end,
This is the first book to reveal the story of Led Zeppelin, from its difficult beginnings to its tragic end. Contents (from the "BOOK" database) |
chapter1 :Early Days |
chapter2 :The Yardbirds |
chapter3 :Led Zeppelin |
chapter5 :Albums |
chapter4 :Music |
chapter6 :Opinion |
chapter7 :Last Words |
--------------------------------------------- |
Title : Long Goodbye- The World of Maki Asakawa
Publication : Byakuya Syobo |
ISBN : 978-4861916984 |
Date : 2011/1/18 |
Price : 3150Yen |
Page : 304p |
Book Description: Maki Asakawa, one and only singer in Japan, passed away suddenly on January 17, 2010,
This book is composed of the Author's own manuscripts, conversations, interviews with people involved, photos, chronology, and discography,
This is the first and last official edition of Maki Asakawa's career.
Contains many rare photographs by Hitoshi Tamura, who has been taking photographs since his debut. Contents (from "BOOK" database) |
chapter1 : The Blues That Girl Gave Me - Maki Asakawa |
chapter2 : No night is lonelier than tonight Maki Asakawa |
--In memoriam, Maki Asakawa, a full-fledged anti-world expressionist, Tokiko Kato |
--In memory of Maki Asakawa, a perfect crime just like a book Junko Gosho |
chapter3 :just like a book (a character study written by Maki Asakawa) |
--Billie Holiday on My Door |
--Who's Knocking on My Door (about Shuji Terayama) |
--From Among Mr. Nosaka's Songs |
--Ms. Nanri's Blue Note is in Nanri's |
--Ms. Tsutsui's |
--That man played the piano (about Kaoru Abe) |
chapter 4 :Called New, Called Old (A Collection of Dialogues) |
--Even for an audience of five: A conversation with Hiroyuki Itsuki |
--Black Blues Feeling A conversation with Norio Kono |
--An interview with Tadashi Okunari |
--An interview with Yukito Emaya about "Phantom Men" |
--A Talk with Toshiyuki Honda about a slightly longer relationship |
chapter5 :I in 1965 Maki Asakawa |
--Maki Asakawa 1970 Kazuo Nishii |
--Maki Asakawa Maki Theory: Maki Asakawa and the Surrounding World Steve |
chapter6 :If God were a Boogie Man: Hirokazu Hasegawa |
chapter7 :Long Goodbye (interviews with related parties) |
--Kozaburo Yamaki |
--Kyoko Kujo |
--Yuka Kamebuchi |
--Kitajo Chu |
--Hiro Tsunoda |
--Nobuyoshi Hagiwara |
--Yosuke Yamashita |
--Takeshi Shibuya |
chapter8 :Discography & Chronology |
--------------------------------------------- |
Title : 天晴 サディスティック・ミカ・バンド |
Publication : オフィス・インテンツォ |
ISBN : |
Date : 1989/4/1 |
Price : 2700Yen |
Page : 219p |
chapter1 :火がつけば、ロンドンへひとっとび |
chapter2 :幕の内の快楽 |
chapter3 :いか「ダンス・ハ・スンダ」かい |
chapter4 :手の振るえが止まる頃、レコーディングが終わった |
chapter5 :活動記録 |
chapter6 :TEXTS |
--------------------------------------------- |
Title : weekend caravan plus 坂本サトル |
Publication : So-net |
ISBN : 978-4093631716 |
Date : 1993/7/10 |
Price : 1400Yen |
Page : 199p |
chapter1 :weekend caravan |
chapter2 :ボリビア道中記 |
--------------------------------------------- |
Title : 八方破れ言いたい放題―著名人69人を爼上にのせて悪口雑言メッタ斬り |
Publication : 政界往来社 |
ISBN : 978-4915303029 |
Date : 1986/5/10/ |
Price : 1500Yen |
Page : 313p |
chapter1 :今だから話せる、あのひとのこと |
chapter2 :俺がいわなきゃだれが言う |
chapter3 :歌って蕩らして無頼に生きる |
--------------------------------------------- |
Title : 悪魔祓いの浩子さん |
Publication : Hachiyousya |
ISBN : 978-4827000719 |
Date : 1984/1/20(第3版) |
Price : 980Yen |
Page : 203p |
Book Description: ホーキに乗ってやって来た午前3時の魔法使いヒロコさん。三食昼寝つき10時間睡眠の甘美な高級ホテルかんづめの日々に、彼女はいかなる思索をめぐらしたか…。マナザシ鋭いホテル観察に始まって、誕生から初めての廃盤までの15年を語り、眠い話に眠れない話、夢の話まで、思いつくまま気のむくまま、一気呵成縦横無尽天衣無縫に書きつづった、疾風怒涛の処女長編エッセイだよ! 内容(「BOOK」データベースより) |
chapter1 :箱根の森の浩子さん |
chapter2 :悪魔祓いの浩子さん |
chapter3 :銀座スナックの浩子さん |
--------------------------------------------- |
Title : 凛々しく暖かく―3篇のアンソロジー シング・ライク・トーキング |
Publication : CBSソニー出版 |
ISBN : 978-4789708449 |
Date : 1994/6/10(第4版) |
Price : 1800Yen |
Page : 222p |
Book Description: 佐藤竹善、藤田千章、西村智彦の3人は竹善のアパートでデモ・テープを作っていた…シング・ライク・トーキングの出発である。このグループのこれまで、ひとりひとりの来し方、アルバム、ロング・インタビューなどで構成された本。 内容(「MARC」データベースより) |
chapter1 :グループ・ヒストリー |
chapter2 :パーソナル・ヒストリー |
chapter3 :フェイバリット・アルバムス |
chapter4 :ツアー&リリース・ノーツ |
chapter5 :『自画自惨!?』総集編 |
chapter6 :ロング・インタビュー |
あとがき |
--------------------------------------------- |
Title : TECHNODON(テクノドン) YMO |
Publication : 小学館 |
ISBN : 978-4093631716 |
Date : 1993/7/10 |
Price : 1400Yen |
Page : 199p |
Book Description: 坂本竜一「『テクノドン』ってテクノのドン(親分)でもある。」 細野晴臣、坂本竜一、高橋幸宏の生の発言により、テクノポップグループYMOの再生の秘密が明かされる 内容(「BOOK」データベースより) |
chapter1 :'92年12月7日TYO代官山・細野晴臣 |
chapter2 :'93年1月23日TYO新宿・坂本龍一 |
chapter3 :'93年2月2日TYO青山・高橋幸弘 |
chapter4 :'93年2月17日NYスカイライン・スタジオ |
chapter5 :'93年2月19日NYスカイライン・スタジオ |
chapter6 :'93年2月20日NYスカイライン・スタジオ |
chapter7 :'93年2月20日NYスカイライン・スタジオ・坂本龍一 |
chapter8 :'93年2月22日NYメイフラワーホテル・高橋幸弘 |
chapter9 :'93年2月24日NYスカイライン・スタジオ・細野晴臣 |
chapter10 :'93年2月25日NYパラマウントホテル・坂本龍一 |
chapter11 :'93年3月11日NY細野晴臣 |
chapter12 :'93年3月11対談 坂本龍一・高橋幸弘 |
chapter13 :'93年3月11日NYライトトラック・スタジオ |
chapter14 :'93年3月11日NY対談 細野晴臣・坂本龍一 |
chapter15 :'93年4月1日TYO YMO記者会見 |
chapter16 :'93年3月11日TYO 対談 細野晴臣・高橋幸弘 |
--------------------------------------------- |
Title : ミスティK JAZZが僕に教えてくれたもの 小林 桂 |
Publication : シンコーミュージック |
ISBN : 978-4401617005 |
Date : 01/9/19 |
Price : 1800Yen |
Page : 143p |
Book Description: Jazzの若き天才ボーカリストKei Kobayashi初の単行本。生い立ちや家族、音楽に囲まれた生活など、なぁんにも考えていない、そんな日々の中で記録したひとりごとを一冊の本にまとめる 内容(「MARC」データベースより) |
chapter1 :家族、そして兄を追って… |
chapter2 :ミュージカリ/ミュージカル |
chapter3 :Jazzの星の下に生まれて |
chapter4 :My HPエッセイ |
chapter5 :インタビュー/kei現在考 |
chapter6 :スタンダードが好きなわけ/SO NICEなスタンダード |
chapter7 :ライブ/コンサート/レコーディング |
chapter8 :Jazzが僕に教えてくれたもの(epilogue) |
--------------------------------------------- |
Title : ふれ愛みつめ愛たすけ愛―元気で楽しく幸せな家庭をつくるための25章 南こうせつ |
Publication : 小学館 |
ISBN : 978-4093470513 |
Date : 1995/7/1 |
Price : 1200Yen |
Page : 220p |
Book Description: 親子・夫婦・家族から、平和・環境問題、またなつかしい「かぐや姫」時代のことまでを綴ったエッセイ集。あったかく、ときにユーモラスなまなざしで、"こうせつ節・家庭論"を披露します。 内容(「BOOK」データベースより) |
chapter1 :あの日の空よ |
chapter2 :めざめ |
chapter3 :南の島へ |
chapter4 :田舎に暮らす |
chapter5 :家族っていいですね |
chapter6 :歌って笑って |
chapter7 :神からの贈りもの |
chapter8 :ふれ愛 |
chapter9 :みつめ愛 |
chapter10 :たすけ愛 |
chapter11 :誕生秘話 |
chapter12 :変化のとき |
chapter13 :理解し合うこと |
chapter14 :愛をこめて |
chapter15 :家族の絆 |
chapter16 :誓い |
chapter17 :ルーツ |
chapter18 :幸せをありがとう |
chapter19 :みんなの宝 |
chapter20 :愛する人へ |
chapter21 :生んでよかった |
chapter22 :人に生まれた幸せ |
chapter23 :愛情とミルク |
chapter24 :夢の時間 |
chapter25 :あとがきに代えて |
南こうせつ年表 |
--------------------------------------------- |
Title : You guys, donate!-Shigeru Izumiya's One-man Folk Guerrilla |
Publication : 読売新聞 |
ISBN : 978-4643940251 |
Date : 1994/5/12 |
Price : 1100Yen |
Page : 243p |
Book Description: On July 12, 1993, Okushiri Island was devastated by the Hokkaido Southwest Offshore Earthquake.
Singer Shigeru Izumiya set out to help. Carrying a single guitar, the Okushiri rescue folk guerrillas went from the 23 wards of Tokyo to all over Japan.
This is the complete record of the "ultimate publicity stunt. Contents (from the "BOOK" database) |
chapter1 :Let's go with one folk guerrilla! |
chapter2 :In front of gate 22 of Tokyo Dome |
chapter3 :In front of the moai statue at Shibuya station |
chapter4 :Guerrilla in front of Shinjuku Station East Exit! |
chapter5 :Enthusiasm!Ochanomizu Station Live |
chapter6 :Iranians in Ueno |
chapter7 :Shinbashi SL Plaza |
chapter8 :Late at night in Yurakucho... |
chapter9 :A True Dream of a Summer Night |
chapter10 :To Sapporo |
chapter11 : "Why, in these times..." |
chapter12 :Events in Chikuho! |
chapter13 :A True Dream of a Summer Night |
chapter14 :Storm in front of Nakano station |
chapter15 :A Long Night in Koenji |
chapter16 :Kamata Madness |
chapter17 :The Shinagawa Folk Guerrilla Cancellation |
chapter18 :Kessen Meguro Station Folk Guerrilla |
chapter19 :Additional Folk Guerrilla Performances |
chapter20 :Folk guerrillas on the road all over Japan |
chapter21 :Folk Guerrillas with a Tengu |
chapter22 :The calm before the storm |
chapter23 :Rehearsal |
chapter24 :Message Song Day |
chapter25 :To Okushiri |
chapter26 :Presentation Ceremony |
chapter27 :Guest House, Furusato-kan |
chapter28 :Hibernation Harvesting Concert |
chapter29 :Night at the Guest House |
chapter30 :Going through Aonae |
chapter31 :Aonae Junior High School in a frenzy |
chapter32 :The Last Song in Enthusiastic Aonae |
chapter33 :Hypothetical People |
chapter34 :When will I go back to Okushiri again |
chapter35 :Continuity is Strength |
Afterword |
--------------------------------------------- |
Title : ルージュの伝言 松任谷 由実 |
Publication : 角川書店 |
ISBN : 0095-883131-09460 |
Date : 1983/1/31 |
Price : 980Yen |
Page : 245p |
chapter1 :私は天才です。 |
chapter2 :マイ・シークレット・ゾーン |
chapter3 :みんなみんなパッセージ |
chapter4 :パンプキン・メモリーズ |
chapter5 :荒井由美、松任谷由実と私 |
chapter6 :素敵な映像が歌になる |
chapter7 :対話:ユーミンVSビッグ・ママ |
chapter8 :心はいつもエバー・グリーン |
--------------------------------------------- |
Title : Shoken-Kenichi Hagiwara |
Publication : Koudansya |
ISBN : 978-4062145220 |
Date : 2008/3/14 |
Price : 1680Yen |
Page : 348p |
Book Description: That Shoken has laid bare everything about his 57 years of life! Love and parting, friendship and feud, clamor and loneliness.
Days when he was always too serious about everything. Excessive instinct attracts people around him and destroys himself.
The truth about Shoken, the wounded genius. Contents (from "BOOK" database) |
chapter1 :Please God |
chapter2 :Call me Shoken |
chapter3 :Macaroni? You gotta be kidding me |
chapter3 :Call me Shoken |
chapter4 :The "Wounded Angel": booze, women and marijuana |
chapter5 :No, that's not right |
chapter6 :Let's Have One With Me |
chapter7 :A hunch |
chapter8 :The jail cell |
chapter9 :The Medicine Can Clanked |
chapter10 :A Woman Born in Osaka |
chapter11 :Reason for separation |
chapter12 :Getting Serious |
chapter13 :The Incident |
Epilogue |
--------------------------------------------- |
Title : Beautiful thing Yosui Inoue |
Publication : Syueisya |
ISBN : 978-4087800852 |
Date : 1985/06 |
Price : 1000Yen |
Page : 259p |
chapter1 :HAHA! |
chapter2 :A table with love |
chapter3 :The words of a dwarf |
chapter4 :How many cups of marteni did he drink in love |
--------------------------------------------- |
Title : Full Moon in the Sky Yosui Inoue |
Publication : Bungeishinjyu |
ISBN : 978-4163155302 |
Date : 1995/05/15 |
Price : 1200Yen |
Page : 182p |
Book Description: A young man in Hakata, Japan, was on his third waifing when he was trying to get into dental school,
During his third wandering through the streets of Hakata, he applied for an audition for an original song that a local radio station was looking for. This was the beginning of the birth of the singer Yosui Inoue.
This is a topical work that brings into sharp relief the true face of the "King of New Music," who made an unprecedented million-seller with his album "The World of Ice.
Contents (from "BOOK" database) |
chapter1 :prologue |
chapter2 :I - IX |
chapter3 :Epilogue |
--------------------------------------------- |
Title : オーバー・ドライブ―やりたい放題やってしまえ!! アルフィー |
Publication : Hachiyousya |
ISBN : 978-4827000641 |
Date : 1984/09/14(第8版) |
Price : 950Yen |
Page : 257p |
chapter1 :アルフィー入門 |
--坂崎幸之助入門 |
--桜井賢入門 |
--高見沢俊彦入門 |
chapter2 :アイドル戦線異常あり |
--迷路の中のアイドル時代 |
--試練のとき |
--心機一転、新生アルフィーに |
--原点に戻って再スタート |
chapter3 :ゼロからの再出発 |
--ライブハウス大奮戦 |
--初めてのコンサート |
--奮起の曲作りから再デビューへ |
--コンサート・ツアーへの地固め |
chapter4 :明日への疾走 |
--アコースティック・サウンドで再デビュー |
--うれし恥ずかし真剣のファースト・アルバム作り |
--讃集詩と井上賢さんとの出会い |
--モデルが悪すぎた?ジャケット |
--桜井賢の角刈り大騒動 |
--レコードとステージのイメージが違いすぎて |
--三国一のギター・アンサンブル |
--燃えた新潟の夜・初めて客が総立ちに |
--極意がわかった!オールマイティ |
--バカ受け・ショックTAKURO |
--ビート・ボーイズ覆面大作戦 |
--三人だけの集大成コンサート |
--驚異の打上げと秩父事件 |
--オールマイティ・スーパーバンドを実践 |
--ステージの上でだましあい |
--高見沢俊彦・消防夫に |
--カレーライスとサイコ |
--大阪フェスを花月には失敗 |
--ダウトと初の野外コンサート |
--ワンナイト・ショーで終わらせないために |
--人生は試行錯誤 |
chapter5 :エンディング・メッセージ |
--8やりたいことをやるのに理屈は不要だ |
--一陣の風か光のようなグループでいたい |
--僕らとともに夢を見続けて欲しい |
--------------------------------------------- |
Title : Look up, and there's a cloud- Shigeru Amano |
Publication : reprint.com |
ISBN : 978-4835445717 |
Date : 2010/11 |
Price : 2625Yen |
Page : 182p |
はじめに |
chapter1 : |
--8 beats |
--Mutsuki no uta |
--The Cat's Way of Life 1 |
--The Cat's Way of Life 2 |
--Kajimaru the dog |
--Woken up by an alarm clock |
--Koban Shark |
--The way the buckwheat noodle shop goes by |
--A sudden visit to an old town |
--View of Park Avenue |
--About the hardships |
--Balance Sheet of Three |
chapter2 : |
--Where did the girl's eyes go |
--The boy aims to be a hero |
--Enclosed in a Kotatsu |
--Just friends |
--Always twilight |
--The August Desert |
--Cigarette Smoke |
--Broken Gentleness |
--Snow Falling in the City |
--Sentimental Journey |
--Dreams and Death |
--Swimming |
--Sardine Clouds |
--My song |
--Saiun |
--Note |
--Piece of mind 1 |
--Piece of mind 2 |
--Piece of mind piece 3 |
chapter3 : |
--Mornings |
--Order of Dislikes |
--Hospital gate 1 |
--Hospital gate 2 |
--Red blood, blue blood |
--Toyoko Line |
---Taxi of Fear |
--My radio |
--Herabuna fishing |
--Long baths in moderation... |
--The proliferation of TV cameras |
--In front of a vending machine |
--Politics and the Tragedy of the Used Bookstore |
--Fan Letter |
--The Rambling Story of Music |
--That song at that time |
-Afterword |
--------------------------------------------- |
Title : Fly to the August Sky―NSP |
Publication : Hachiyousya |
ISBN : |
Date : 1978/05/15 |
Price : 850Yen |
Page : 192p |
chapter1 :NSP-Gravure |
chapter2 :Inside Interview |
-- Shigeru Amano's Chronicle of Literature and Music in his Youth |
-- Takayuki Nakamura, Silent Thirst for Youth |
-- Kazuto Hiraga, Days of Endless Pastoral Songs |
chapter3 :Personal Essay |
-- Shigeru Amano, Let's Meet Again |
-- Takayuki Nakamura, Sports & Drive |
-- Kazuto Hiraga, The Far Countryside of My Heart |
chapter4 :Type 3 Close Encounter NSP Quiz |
chapter5 :Collection Catalogue |
chapter6 :NSP and Palmistry Judgment in the Palm of Your Hand |
chapter7 :Associative Games Inspiration Death Match |
chapter8 :Lyric Drawing Illustration Boheme |
chapter9 :NSP Youth Theory for Women |
chapter10 :A history of NSP's roots |
chapter11 :Complete Discography |
chapter12 :Representative Scores |
--------------------------------------------- |
Title : プロペラのない飛行機―BOROの自叙伝 |
Publication : 潮出版社 |
ISBN : 978-4267016868 |
Date : 2003/09/05 |
Price : 1300Yen |
Page : 257p |
Book Description: 立ち上がれ、立ち上がれ! 苦しみによごれない勝利など聞いたことがない。悲しみに涙もない勝利など聞いたことがない-。ミュージシャンBOROの半生記 内容(「MARC」データベースより) |
chapter1 :BORO誕生す |
chapter2 :BORO音楽を志す |
chapter3 :BORO青春まっただ中 |
chapter4 :BORO売り出す |
chapter5 :BORO桜の下で哭く |
chapter6 :BORO心を包まれる |
chapter7 :BOROもうひとりの母と出逢う |
chapter8 :BORO奮闘す |
chapter9 :BOROますますポジティブ |
--------------------------------------------- |
Title : 愛を叫んだ獣 甲斐バンド |
Publication : 日夜書房 |
ISBN : 978-4893670007 |
Date : 1986/06/30 |
Price : 1000Yen |
Page : 313p |
chapter1 :PROLOGUE |
-- マイクスタンドの感傷 |
-- ブライトン・ロックをかじれ |
chapter2 :SCENE-1 |
-- 観覧車の男たち | |
-- イノセント神話からの脱皮 |
-- 差異果てのロック |
-- 現在の感触 |
chapter3 :SCENE-2 |
-- 夢と覚醒の狭間で | |
-- 甲斐バンド・新英雄主義 |
-- 疾走への欲望 |
-- HERO論・序説 |
-- チンピラがヒーローになる時 | |
-- 男グルーピー・新潟に同行する |
-- 少女よ輝かしいときを生きろ |
-- 土曜日の夜の熱狂と興奮を歌う |
-- ラクビー上の夕空に舞うビニール・シート | |
-- 田舎の観客のノリが好ましい |
-- 松竹大船撮影所の役者経験 |
-- イマジネーションを呼び起こす街 |
-- ニューヨーク滞在日記 | |
-- ハンセン&ブロディ組のパフォーマンス・センス |
-- 明るい、とても明るい |
-- 攻撃的な知性 |
-- 東京の一夜の1.5秒のどよめき |
-- 甲斐バンド九州場所 |
-- 博多の屋台 |
-- 大阪ホールのブルー・レター |
-- 獣の知恵と肉体 |
chapter4 :BREAK FORUM |
-- 不良少年と冷たい愛情 | |
-- 電話でキッスを歌う |
-- 甲斐バンドのベスト15を選ぶ |
-- 竹本孝之君のファン |
-- コンサート会場の風物詩 | |
-- ぼくのベスト・ライブ |
-- 都市でしか生きていけない男の物語 |
-- 博多の夜 |
-- 甲斐バンド・この一曲 HERO | |
-- 英雄と悪漢にはセンチメンタルリズムの涙が隠されている |
-- 亀田武士面相 |
-- 武道館物語 |
-- ファイナル・ツアー直前曲目予想表 | |
-- ストーンズの匂い |
chapter5 :SCENE-2 |
-- 現代を疾走する英雄たち |
-- 都会のチンピラたち |
chapter6 :あとがき |
--------------------------------------------- |
Title : 伝説のイエロー・ブルース 大木 トオル |
Publication : 文藝春秋 |
ISBN : C0073-338060-4 |
Date : 1983/06/01 |
Price : 1100Yen |
Page : 308p |
Book Description: “あんたは黒人じゃない。でも、あんたのソウルは黒人よりももっと黒い”。カバン一つと古びたギターをかかえて海を渡った男が、あらゆる屈辱と人種差別を乗り越え、ニューヨークの舞台で贈られた称讃の言葉。アメリカ合衆国に一人闘いを挑んだミスター・イエロー・ブルース、大木トオルが語る青春の軌跡。 内容(「MARC」データベースより) |
chapter1 :日本人の戦い |
chapter2 :旅立ち |
chapter3 :ビッグ・ファミリー |
chapter4 :ニューヨークの日本人たち |
chapter5 :空母ミッドウェイCV 41 |
chapter6 :日本公演 |
chapter7 :オオキファミリー・ニューヨーク・コネクション |
chapter8 :マイク・ブルームフィールドの死 |
chapter9 :アルバート・キングへの挑戦 |
chapter10 :ハーレムに帰る |
--------------------------------------------- |
Title : 自暴自伝――ポンタの一九七二→二〇〇三 |
Publication : 文藝春秋 |
ISBN : 978-4163653105 |
Date : 2003/12/5 |
Price : 1800Yen |
Page : 280p |
Book Description: ピンク・レディー、山下達郎、松田聖子からドリカムまでを支え、日本ポップスの黎明期を築いた巨匠ドラマーの自伝。同時代をともに生きた仲間たちとの波瀾万丈、抱腹絶倒のエピソード満載。 内容(「MARC」データベースより)
chapter1 :七〇年代のポンタ青春編 |
chapter2 :八〇年代のポンタ回天編 |
chapter3 :九〇年代のポンタ滑翔編 |
--------------------------------------------- |
Title : アリス・さらば青春のとき |
Publication : Hachiyousya |
ISBN : 0095-51001-0186 |
Date : 1978/11/15(第10版) |
Price : 850Yen |
Page : 207p |
chapter1 :インサイド・インタビュー |
-- 谷村新司 |
-- 矢沢透 |
-- 堀内孝雄 |
-- スティッキー・フィンガーズ |
chapter2 :絵本・アリス・バイオグラフィー |
chapter3 :太陽占星術がアリスの運勢を大予言 |
chapter4 :バングアップ易術(ばんばひろふみ) |
chapter5 :谷村新司論(武田鉄矢) |
chapter6 :アリス語録 |
chapter7 :アリスディスコ・グラフィー |
chapter8 :ホット・メニュー・エッセイ |
-- マイ・ボディ・ソウル-谷村新司 |
-- ザッツ・エンターティメント(食楽道入門)-谷村新司 |
-- 赤い目をした天使たち(私のギャンブル考)- 矢沢透 |
-- 懐かしい歌のあった街(冬の大館日記)- 堀内孝雄 |
-- 僕が育てているあなたへ(さすらいの子育て抄)- 堀内孝雄 |
chapter9 :ビッグ対談 |
-- 谷村新司VS木の実ナナ |
-- 矢沢透VSオフコース |
-- 堀内孝雄VS杉田二郎・吉田まゆみ |
chapter10 :アリス代表作品集 |
--------------------------------------------- |
Title : 帰らざる日々 誰も知らないALICE |
Publication : 飛鳥新社 |
ISBN : 0095-51001-0186 |
Date : 1979/09/20 |
Price : 950Yen |
Page : 221p |
chapter1 :誕生 |
chapter2 :発端の旅へ |
chapter3 :アリスの春 |
chapter4 :翌檜 |
chapter5 :走る! |
chapter6 :夜明け |
chapter7 :硝子のトライアングル |
chapter8 :そしてアリスは |
--------------------------------------------- |
Title : 魂、鳴りやまず―ARB THE LONGEST TOUR |
Publication : JICC出版局 |
ISBN : 978-4796601047 |
Date : 1991/03/10 |
Price : 1500Yen |
Page : 207p |
chapter1 :ARB最後のドラマ ARB THE LONGEST TOUR |
-- 1990.09.15 IN 大阪厚生年金会館 |
-- 1990.09.16 IN 大阪厚生年金会館 |
-- 1990.09.18 IN 徳島県郷土文化会館 |
-- 1990.09.20 IN 高知県民文化ホール |
-- 1990.10.02 IN 福岡市民会館 |
-- 1990.10.04 IN 広島県民文化センター |
-- 1990.10.05 IN 愛知県勤労会館 |
-- 1990.10.07 IN 長野市民会館 |
-- 1990.10.17 IN 弘前市民会館 |
-- 1990.10.19 IN 札幌サンプラザ |
-- 1990.10.20 IN 札幌サンプラザ |
-- 1990.10.22 IN 秋田文化会館 |
-- 1990.10.23 IN 仙台電力ホール |
-- 1990.10.27 IN 国立代々木競技場第一体育館 |
-- 白浜久 |
-- 石橋凌 |
-- KEITH |
chapter3 :THE DAYS OF ARB |
chapter4 :ARBは、とてつもなく素敵なライブ・バンドだった |
--------------------------------------------- |
Title : Les Paul Biography - The World is Waiting for the Sunrise(first volume) |
Publication : Ritmo Music |
ISBN : 978-4845600731 |
Date : 1994/2/10 |
Price : 2500Yen |
Page : 271p |
Book Description: The chequered life of Les Paul, the "wizard of the electric guitar" who had a profound influence on all the top guitarists, including Jimmy Page, Eddie Van Halen, B.B. King and Jeff Beck, is painstakingly and painstakingly documented in this book. The stage is finally set for the second volume. The second part of the book is set to the success story of Les Paul & Mary Ford, and the story reaches its climax. The story climaxes with the development of the Gibson Les Paul model, the perfection of multi-recording technology, and the winning of a Grammy Award, among other achievements that have left their mark on music history. Contents (from the BOOK database). |
chapter1 :My homeland, Waukasha |
chapter2 :The boy obsessed with fever |
chapter3 :Red Hot Red appears |
chapter4 :Days with Sunny Joe |
chapter5 :Jam - In Chicago |
chapter6 :The Big Blowout |
chapter7 :Live from New York |
chapter8 :Temporary retreat |
chapter9 :In search of fame |
chapter10 :To the top of the charts |
chapter11 :Swinging in Hollywood |
chapter12 :The new sound |
chapter13 :Meet the Sunshine Girl |
--------------------------------------------- |
Title : Les Paul Biography - The World is Waiting for the Sunrise(last volume) |
Publication : Ritmo Music |
ISBN : 978-4845600748 |
Date : 1994/2/10 |
Price : 2500Yen |
Page : 255p |
Book Description: This biography traces the illustrious career of electric guitar wizard Les Paul. The second volume moves on to the success story of Les Paul & Mary Ford, which climaxes in the footsteps of Les Paul, who, at 78, is still performing in New York City.
Contents (from the MARC database). |
chapter1 :Knocked out |
chapter2 :Because the moon is that high |
chapter3 :With an American diva |
chapter4 :With God |
chapter5 :The Rock and Roll Era |
chapter6 :Separation |
chapter7 :The recluse |
chapter8 :Back on stage again |
chapter9 :Fat Tuesday |
--------------------------------------------- |
Title : 横尾忠則スピリチュアル・ポップ1994with Loveドキュメント |
Publication : 同朋舎出版 |
ISBN : 978-4810420395 |
Date : 1994/8 |
Price : 3400Yen |
Page : 133p |
Book Description: これはただの作品集ではありません。空前絶後、言語道断の芸術本。作品集+対談集+写真集、一冊で三度美味しい本 横尾忠則の作り方 新しい人、ようこそ。I AM TADANORI YOKOO 気持ちいい嘔吐 Y+Tはアートの王様です。展覧会の記録 こりゃ、いったい何の本。1冊まるごとアートのかたまりッ。美術ファンお断り。エナジーそしてパワー。 内容(「BOOK」データベースより)
chapter2 :GEST TALK 宮本亜門 |
chapter4 :GEST TALK 大島清次 |
chapter6 :GEST TALK 松任谷由美 |
chapter8 :GEST TALK 倉林靖 |
chapter12 :REVIEWS |
chapter16 :GEST TALK 倉林靖 |
--------------------------------------------- |
Title : 横尾忠則の全ポスター |
Publication : 誠文堂新光社 |
ISBN : 978-4416695050 |
Date : 1999/1/30 |
Price : 4400Yen |
Page : 133p |
Book Description: 横尾忠則の公的な出発点は高校時代のポスター。彼のその時どきの芸術的関心がそのままポスターという形式に込められ、彼の芸術のエッセンスがつまっている作品となっている。横尾忠則の全ポスターを一挙公開。 内容(「MARC」データベースより)
chapter1 :われわれの時代の記録者・横尾忠則 |
chapter2 :1953-1964 横尾忠則とポスター |
chapter3 :1965-1971 反モダニズムの旗手、横尾忠則 |
chapter4 :1971-1979 精神世界的ヴィジョンの展開 |
chapter5 :1980-1988 「描く」衝動からの発生 |
chapter6 :1989-1994 更なる破壊と更新にむけて |
chapter7 :略歴 |
--------------------------------------------- |
Title : いちばん高いギターを弾かせろ |
Publication : エイ出版社 |
ISBN : 978-4777911509 |
Date : 2008/9/10 |
Price : 924Yen |
Page : 192p |
Book Description: 国内のギターショップを10軒、ロスのギターショップを数軒、さらには勢いあまってフェンダー社のカスタムショップへも足を運んだ至高のギターを巡った冒険の記録。
数々のギターエンスーたちとの出会いと、彼らとのギター談義をユーモアたっぷりに綴ります。 |
chapter1 :LAに行ってみた |
chapter2 :いちばん高いギターを弾かせろ・国内編1 |
chapter3 :フェンダーへ行ってみた |
chapter4 :いちばん高いギターを弾かせろ・国内編2 |
chapter5 :神々との出会い |
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Title : Monsieur! |
Publication : Bungeishinjyu |
ISBN : 978-4167773274 |
Date : 2009/11/10 |
Price : 600Yen |
Page : 217p |
Book Description: Let's sing a little, my music, my life.
Kamayatsu~Monsieur~Hiroshi finally wrote his autobiography.。
Monsieur, who grew up listening to an abundance of American music, spent his youth at the Roppongi Canteen while playing country and western music at a U.S. Army camp.
He began his career as a musician in his teens.
He initially debuted as an unsuccessful idol, fleeing to Hawaii and wandering around Europe and the United States, when he suddenly got his big break,
The group sound, The Spiders, which he formed with Masaaki Sakai, Jun Inoue, and others, was a huge success...
Monsieur, who has been "active" since the birth of postwar pop music and entertainment history, shares amusing memories and heartwarming episodes from his vast memory,
Monsieur Monsieur, who has been "active" since the birth of the history of pop music and entertainment since the beginning of WWII, draws from his vast memory to share amusing memories, heartwarming episodes, and maniacal musical discussions, sometimes cool, sometimes relaxed.
Monsieur, the living embodiment of Japanese pop music, presents an autobiographical chronicle of Japanese music, customs, and entertainment to all music fans.
--This text is associated with the book version. (From the "BOOK" database) |
introduction :As Time Goes By |
chapter1 :Teenage Boogie |
chapter2 :Bang Bang Bang |
chapter3 :No No Boy |
chapter4 :Have you ever smoked goroise |
chapter5 :Be a good one |
chapter6 :Music Music |
chapter7 :Encore Nombiri Ikusa |
chapter8 :Be Be Kimi wa MYSTERY |
--------------------------------------------- |
Title : After the Long Goodbye |
Publication : Syueisya |
ISBN : 978-4087805956 |
Date : 2011/2/25 |
Price : 1260Yen |
Page : 208p |
Book Description: The truth as written by The Tigers' Pee!
In 1971, The Tigers broke up. For nearly 40 years, he had lost touch with the members of the Tigers.
After breaking his long silence, Pee wrote down the truth about love and friendship and his life for 64 years. (From the "BOOK" database) |
chapter1 :Hear the Long Goodbye |
chapter2 :The truth about the breakup of The Tigers |
chapter3 :Born in Kyoto |
chapter4 :The eve of The Tigers in Kyoto and Osaka |
chapter5 :Debut, Life in the camp |
chapter6 :Meeting Mr. Renzaburo Shibata |
chapter7 :Life in China |
chapter8 :My real mother and stepmother |
chapter9 :The Last Supper |
chapter10 :The Greatest International Love Affair |
chapter11 :Encounter with Chinese Literature |
chapter12 :Life as a student in China |
chapter13 :Marriage and divorce |
chapter14 :As a teacher at Keio High School |
chapter15 :The true faces of the members of The Tigers |
chapter16 :Living Life Twice, Grateful and Thankful! |
chapter17 :Looking Back on the Way We Came |
--------------------------------------------- |
Title : The Way of Life of Kenji Sawada |
Publication : Seikyusya |
ISBN : 978-4787272409 |
Date : 2008/1/28 |
Price : 1680Yen |
Page : 157p |
Book Description: What does Julie give us as she rushes through the music scene?
Where will Kenji Sawada, who continues to sing with passion and righteousness, go? From the standpoint of a fan who has been supported and encouraged by Kenji Sawada,
From the perspective of a fan who has been supported and encouraged by Kenji Sawada, this book describes the rock singer as he really was. (From the "BOOK" database) |
chapter1 :Wild Julie Today |
chapter2 :Julie and Song Rock |
chapter3 :The Tigers and After the Festival |
chapter4 :Boomers' conflict and Kenji Sawada's silence |
chapter5 :The Julie Team in Moderation |
chapter6 :The "incident" and after |
chapter7 :The mission behind independence from Watanabe Productions |
chapter8 :Women and rebirth |
chapter9 :Julie's Chivalry and Resistance |
chapter10 :Transcending Embodiment |
chapter11 :The rebirth of "Bunkichi" and the order to protect |
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Title : The Simon & Garfunkel Story |
Publication : CBS Sony Publishing Inc |
ISBN : 978-4789701129 |
Date : 1983/11/1 |
Price : 1500Yen |
Page : 270p |
chapter1 :Singing of loneliness and alienation |
chapter2 :Enchanting harmony |
chapter3 :Sound of silence |
chapter4 :Times change |
chapter5 :Bridge Over Troubled Water |
chapter6 :To Each His Own Way |
chapter7 :From the House of the Rock Nobles |
chapter8 :The Challenge of the Unknown |
chapter9 :A fresh start from memories |
--------------------------------------------- |
Title : Letter from Janis Joplin |
Publication : Ongaku no Tomo Sha |
ISBN : 978-4276234970 |
Date : 1994/03/25 |
Price : 3300Yen |
Page : 399p |
Book Description: Janice's spirit delivered to her family. Based on previously unpublished letters, her own sister Laura reveals the truth about Janice.
(From the "BOOK" database) |
chapter1 :October 1970 - Death of Janice |
chapter2 :Our Ancestors |
chapter3 :Janice's childhood |
chapter4 :Girlhood |
chapter5 :The College and the Venice Vito Scene |
chapter6 :San Francisco is the Beat Scene |
chapter7 :Back in My Home Town |
chapter8 :The Hippie Movement in San Francisco |
chapter9 :Big Brother's Success |
chapter10 :After the Monterey Pop Festival |
chapter11 :Farewell to Big Brother |
chapter12 :The Band from Beyond |
chapter13 :Rest, Love, and the Formation of the Group Again |
chapter14 :On the verge of victory |
chapter15 :The commemoration ceremony |
--------------------------------------------- |
Title : The Truth About Mozurite |
Publication : Rokusaisya |
ISBN : 978-4846307677 |
Date : November 10, 2010 |
Price : 1800Yen |
Page : 207p |
Book Description: Shame on Yuzo Kayama, accused of fraud! You want to be called the scam master of electric guitars? Copy guitars have been on the loose for 40 years.
Everything about the famous Mosrite guitar is revealed here. |
chapter 1 :The Uncovering of the Mosrite Copying Case |
:What is Mosrite US Custom Shop |
:What is Unfair Competition Prevention Law |
:Ukiun "Tokyo Jihen" Moz Light copy sales case |
:Krosawa Musical Instruments' Ukigumo Mozelite is an illegal copy product |
:Takeshi Terauchi model stolen by Fillmore before its release |
:The victim is Takeshi Terauchi |
:Fillmore Yusa's relationship with Takeshi Terauchi |
chapter2 :In Pursuit of the True Heirs of the Moslems |
:Moslems and Ventures |
:Who is Semmy Mosley |
:Semmy Mosley and his wife Loretta |
:Loretta, the true heir of the Mosleys |
:Encounter with Mosrite Guitars |
:Meeting with Takeshi Terauchi |
:Encounter with Mosrite |
:Copy Mosrite discovered |
:Meeting with Loretta Mosley |
:In front of a crude grave without even a headstone |
:Building Semmy Mosley's grave |
:The true successor is Loretta Mosley |
:On Hessus, the Mosleite guitar craftsman |
chapter 3 :Copyists' Facts and Trials |
:Copy Guitar War over Mosrite |
:About the copy company, Kurokumo Seisakusho |
:About the copy company, Fillmore Instruments |
:Loretta sued to the U.S. Patent Office |
:Loretta tells the truth about Semmy and Yusa |
:Accusations, slander and intimidation of Loretta during the trial |
:The person concerned who knows everything tells |
chapter 4 :Results of Trademark Trial with Copier |
:Fillmore had no rights from the beginning |
:Result of appeal court decision in which Fillmore sought to cancel Loretta's trademark rights |
:Loretta is accepted as the true owner of the rights |
:On Hessus, the Mosrite Guitar Craftsman |
chapter 5 :Finally, criminal charges against Fillmore and Yuzo Kayama |
:The case of Yuzo Kayama model of Mozlight |
:Was Yuzo Kayama an intentional offender? |
:The 50th Anniversary of Wakadaishou |
:Criminal Charges Against Yuzo Kayama and Fillmore |
:Finally a weekly story |
chapter6 :Chronology of Moslemite Relations |
chapter7 :Voices of victims of copying Moslemsite |
--------------------------------------------- |
Publication : Shinko Music |
Author : Edo Yamaguchi(Ed Yamaguchi-related CDs) |
ISBN : 4-401-61799-1 |
Date : 1982-10-1 |
Price : 2000Yen |
Page : 363p |
Book Description: This is the story of a band shop that ran through the third golden age of Western music in the postwar period with electric guitars.
Edo Yamaguchi writes about his own youth and that of the electric generation. (From the "BOOK" database) |
chapter1 :The Door to Elec Hell |
chapter2 :Invitation to Elec Hell | chapter3 :The march to Elec hell | chapter4 :The march to electric hell |
chapter4 :Entering the Elec Hell | --------------------------------------------- |
Title : るつぼな下北沢日記 |
Publication : 太田出版 |
IBM :978-4872335699 |
発売 :2001/8/23 |
定価 :250Yen |
Page :293p |
Book Description: シモキタ文化人たちの、ディープな深夜交遊録。自他ともに認める“シモキタ社交界の怪人”が、夜ごと呑み歩いた8年ぶんの下北沢徘徊日記。 (「BOOK」データベースより) |
chapter1: 一九九九年六月二一日~七月二二日 |
chapter2: 八月七日~九月一二日 |
chapter3: 一〇月一日~一一月一日 |
chapter4: 一一月一八日~二〇〇〇年一月二七日 |
chapter5: 一月二八日~四月一七日 |
chapter6: 第6章 五月一一日~六月二一日 |
--------------------------------------------- |
Title : Photo Collections The Monkees |
Publication : Shinko Publishing Publishing |
IBM :8406 |
Date : 1967 |
Price : 250Yen |
chapter1 :Photo Collections |
chapter2 :MonkeesFan chatter |
chapter3 :Exchange of Letters |
chapter4 :Do you know this story? |